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. 22/02/21
. 17:55 Mons/Bergen IC 3738 arrives on Spoor 7 on Feb 22 - Haseeb Ahmed
. The train arrives and before it departs, its window aligns with the waiting room's window. In that instant of axial alignment time becomes space. Like poured paint landing on its target—congealing.
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. 08/12/20
. Untitled - Aurélie Hachez
C’est la vie au ralenti,
C’est le cœur à rebours,
C’est une espérance et demie :
Trop et trop peu à son tour.
C’est le train qui s’arrête en plein
Chemin sans nulle station
Et on entend le grillon
Et on contemple en vain
Penché à la portière,
D’un vent que l’on sent, agités
Les prés fleuris, les prés
Que l’arrêt rend imaginaires
- Rainer Maria Rilke, L’attente, 1926
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. 26/11/20
. Press - Jan Domicz
The space is locked. The shop is closed, so you have to walk around and instead of going to one grocery store. You have to go to a couple of them. To collect all necessary products for whatever recipe you are trying to prepare for dinner with friends and family.
This recipe:
. a sign: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c8/Priority_seat_signs_in_Vienna_U-Bahn_train_2010.jpg
. a group of 4 friends
. a public bench (sliced)
. 90 steel knobs on the ground (for garnish, use them to make the space more inviting)
press together
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. 23/06/20
. For Rent - Caroline Wolewinski
. "For Rent" considers the rise of individualism in the public space and the lack of social interactions.
. It questions the limits of the public space VS the private space. In principle, the public space belongs to no one but in fact it is always subject to an exclusive appropriation. What if, in order to promote this space, its access will only be restricted to an individual?
. Shifting the status of this waiting room also emphasizes on the transitory aspect of the space against the permanent one.
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. 05/02/20 - 12/02/20
. Wanderschinken - Hannah Mevis
. While being on a journey, something I had with me started traveling. February 5th might be start or the end of a new voyage.
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. 22/01/20 - 29/01/20
. 08:21 - Leander Schönweger
. You have a clock to find out what time it is so you can stick to your schedule for the day.
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. 19/12/2019 - 26/12/2019
. Jesse Cremers
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Some parts of the waiting room at spoor 7 are missing.
The absent elements will be replaced by wooden replicas.
Oriented Strand Board is chosen for its temporary/permanent character.
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. 12/12/2019 - 19/12/2019
. Derrière la gare - Marc Quer
. Un goût de seul
. www.documentsdartistes.org/artistes/quer/repro.html
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. 17/11/2019 - 23/11/2019
. L’usine qui chante - Alexia de Visscher
. “Je suis industriel.
a. La première feuille
Sous la pression d’une écriture (stylo à bille, caractères d’une imprimante ou d’une machine à écrire),
Je suis employeur.
b. Les feuilles intermédiaires
Les microcapsules se brisent. Le résultat est une transcription colorée, copie conforme de l’original.
Je suis responsable d’une société multinationale, filiale d’une multinationale qui est, elle aussi, filiale d’une autre multinationale!
c. La dernière feuille
La copie obtenue sera d’une bleu intense ou d’un noir profond.
Voilà de quoi faire peur aux enfants! ”
. Extrait du discours d’ E.S Brazington, Président du conseil d’administration des Papeteries de Virginal lors de l’inauguration de la station d’épuration des effluents à Virginal, le 10 octobre 1978.
Extrait de “Principe des papiers autocopiants” (date inconnue)
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. 06/11/2019 - 13/11/2019
. Prière d’égarer, Brussels Midi Spoor 7 - Patrice Loubier
. Prière d’égarer « prière d’égarer »
. (Filliou variation, please !)
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. 19/10/2019 - 26/10/2019
. 404 - disillusionment - Sara Lucas Agutoli
. I am not ready
You are not ready
It is not ready
We are not ready
You are not ready
They are not ready
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. 28/09/2019 - 04/10/2019
. In Tatters - L'Artiste
. The situation left me in tatters, like an old torn linen rag. But not for long though… Teenagers writing “ugly (woman) nigger” on a cup at my workplace, saying I had to read it out loud, me flipping, nobody understanding what was happening, me reporting the incident to the company, them saying my district manager would get back to me. He never did.
. Things would have just died off, had I not had the spirit to embroider exactly how I felt. The embroidery was a bit of a failure, not strong enough. The piece got rejected for a New York City exhibition, I had even forgotten about it, but now, there it is, in a train station in Brussels. Most likely to be ignored.
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. 24/08/2019 - 30/08/2019
. Zonder title - Maarten Van Luchene
. Het stikt er van de security en de mensen schrikken mij af.
. Mijn gedrag verraadt mij, ik ben daar niet op mijn plaats.
. Ik moet een machtiging aanvragen om foto’s te maken.
. Er is wantrouwen en ik ben angstig, de enige dialoog is er één van verantwoording.
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. 25/06/19 - 01/07/19
. JUN.25.2039 - Frédéric Xavier Liwer
. Gare Bruxelles-Midi, quai numéro 7. Nous sommes le mardi 25 juin.
Selon l’Institut Royal Météorologique de Belgique, la ville de Bruxelles connaîtrait 1899 heures d’ensoleillement par an.
. Au bout de quai, une salle d’attente.
Nous sommes le mardi 25 juin 2039.
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. 13/06/19 - 20/06/19
. one in a million - Lotte Van den Audenaeren
. one in a million (2012 - present) is an ongoing intervention repeated in multiple contexts and places, capturing the instantaneous. Each hand-drawn circle indicates a moment in time that can never be the same as the following.
. A way to mark time and presence.
. Made on glass surfaces, every drawing frames 'time-place', in this case indicating the ever changing waiting/exhibition space.
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. 05/06/19 - 12/06/19
. Celebration of the Building - Kianoosh Motallebi
. “…i have my health and well being…”
. Words of King Untash-Napirisha, recorded in cuneiform around 2500 BC during the opening ceremony of a new building in Sumer, replicated by Michael Sadigh (also known as Mehran) of Sadigh Gallery Antiquities between 2010-2015, purchased by Kianoosh Motallebi who then chemically converted the object into elemental silicon in 2017 to serve as a homage to Jack Kilby who in 1952, whilst working at Texas Instruments, made the first silicon microchip that has been continuously manufactured since, to store and carry the words of many, kings included.
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. 18/05/19 - 23/05/19
. "Vous dessinez en peignant, mauvais ! mauvais ! vous allez vous noyer. C'est le sentiment qui vous perd, vous n'êtes pas le seul. La semaine passée, vous avez fait un bon dessin, maintenant c'est encore une fois la même chose ; vous avez mal à l’œil peut-être ? Un sculpteur serait bien embarrassé s'il devait faire quelque chose d'après votre dessin. Est-ce M. Slimmevogel qui a retouché ça ?"
. Directeur de l’Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts à James Ensor entre 1877-1880
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. 02/05/19
. Cut Out All The Enclaves And Create Your Own Design - Teresa Cos
Enclaves within enclaves. It is possible for an enclave of one country to be completely surrounded by a part of another country that is itself an enclave of the first country.
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. 22/04/19 - 29/04/19
. For You (the nail) - Thomas Geiger
. An homage to the inconspicuous main actor of brussels midi spoor 7.
. Text / Performance, 2019
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. 11/04/19 - 18/04/19
. To a Young Woman of Bright Future - Adrijana Gvozdenovic
. On invitation to contribute to this project by 'filling up' two leftover spaces: one of the risograph printing plate and the other of the public waiting room, Adrijana Gvozdenovic started several processes to explore their potential as conditions for working and presenting. These thoughts will be shared on April 11th in public gathering and later on this website.
. Chapter 1 / Exhibition Day 1
Chapter 2 / Exhibition Day 2
Chapter 3 / Exhibition Day 3
Chapter 4 / Exhibition Day 4 Chapter 5 / Exhibition Day 5 Chapter 6 / Exhibition Day 6 Chapter 7 / Exhibition Day 7
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. 04/04/19 - 10/04/19
. Carnets d'errance (Gare du Midi) - Guillaume Clermont
. Depuis quelques années, j’abandonne, ici et là, mes tableaux dans divers lieux publics. À chaque fois, je photographie le lieu de ces abandons. Plusieurs centaines de tableaux ont ainsi été abandonnés. *
. ERRER, v. intr. XIIe siècle, issu du latin errare, « aller à l'aventure », d'où « faire fausse route, se tromper ».
◇ 1. Aller au hasard, marcher à l'aventure, sans but précis. Les touristes, désœuvrés, errent dans la ville. Errer par la campagne. Errer parmi les bois. Expr. fig. Errer comme une âme en peine, être en proie à un ennui, une inquiétude, une solitude que l'on ne sait comment rompre. Par anal. Un bateau qui erre sur les flots. Les nuages erraient dans le ciel, au gré du vent. Son regard erra sur l'assistance. Fig. Laisser errer ses pensées, laisser aller son esprit sans établir de liaison entre ses idées. Laisser errer son imagination.
◇ 2. Class. S'écarter de la vérité, être dans l'erreur, se tromper. Il faut conclure, même au risque d'errer. Il erre dans ses conclusions, ses conclusions sont erronées, fautives. Redresser ceux qui errent. Selon Rousseau, la volonté générale ne saurait errer.
. Avec l’inestimable soutien de la Guilde des Artistes.
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. 17/03/19 - 24/03/19
. Source - Lieve D’hondt
. wachtzaal op spoor zeven in het station van Brussel Zuid, een transit zone, publieke ruimte, de tentoonstelling duurt zeven dagen, er is geen aanvraag tot tentoonstellen, witte baksteen muur, baksteen 38 x 18 cm, er is risico op beschadiging van het kunstwerk, het kunstwerk kan ontvreemd worden, er wordt een bordje geplaatst met info in verband met het kunstwerk, het kunstwerk bestaat uit woorden, de kleefletters worden op de muur bevestigd, op de opening is er papier en potlood om een frottage te maken, dit is een performance, op de muur zijn er restanten van voorgaande tentoonstellingen.
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. 09/03/19 - 14/03/19
. Messonission/ île du milieu - Yiannis Papadopoulos
. There is a picture I've found online, from the film shooting of Theo Angelopoulos' film Voyage à Cythères, 1984;
. It stays in my memory and often I recall it when I am waiting on an outdoor train platform. It's the second man's boots or the mist, but for sure how the name of the town is written. *
. photo from the archive of Nikos Sekeris, Yiannis Foskolos
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. 27/02/19 - 06/03/19
. Events that happened before the shoe appeared - Aukje Koks
. Through the glass of the window shop, daylight led lighting reflected in the varnish, which made me hungry.
. Approximately two years ago, I portrayed two plates with a few cabbage leafs on each one of them; a leaf on the left plate touched/reached the right plate. It's not so deep and it's not so dark.
. The food elevator descended my food to the guy with sauce on his chemise. Maybe I could have portrayed it again.
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. 31/01/19 - 07/02/19
. Portrait of a Dead Mouse in a Trap - pinxit Franky Dc
. Icon painted from nature with egg tempera on old walnut wood prepared with rabbit skin glue and 'Champagne' chalk. The used pigments are: (1) a sample of ashes from one single burned tree leaf of a poplar growing in the centre of Brussels next to the former Parking 58; (2) reddish dirt from a Corsican potato bought on the Midi market in Brussels; (3) fragments of white blackboard chalk.
. Portrait of a Dead Mouse in a Trap will be on display on Thursday 31 January 2019 during 45 minutes (between 7:45pm and 8:30pm).
. (Only pencil traces of the circumference will remain visible during the following week.)
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. 17/01/19 - 24/01/19
. Various Artists: clockWork
. clockWork (2019) is a collaborative work by Martaque & Hélène Thensiau, two members of the Brussels based Various Artists collective.
. This abstract piece incorporates coded human generated data (Human Mathematics) mimicking the information boards of the train station.
. The unreadable data sheet is frozen in time through 'salination' or the crystallisation of salt, as a petrified object.
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